"Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet.”
Lion's Head Honey Lager is a mild amber lager with the flavor of locally grown honey. The use of Omega Labs Lutra Kveik yeast allows this lager to retain it’s crisp flavor and clean aroma when fermenting at warmer temperatures than usual.
While this is a lager, the special Lutra Kveik yeast can ferment between 70F and 95F and still impart lager characteristics!
If you can give this beer some time to age, it'll be a real crowd favorite!
Calculated Approximate: O.G.: 1.063 F.G.: 1.016 ABV: 6.1% IBU: 45 SRM: 12.
This extract lager kit comes with yeast, select which you'd prefer above. Because this beer is a lager, it's not a bad idea to either purchase a second yeast pack or make a yeast starter. We do include cold packs during warm months with our liquid yeast to help ensure freshness.